Workers Comp – Workplace Accident Lawyers
Here are some common questions regarding the Workers’ Compensation system. The information contained in this section may not be different depending on the Labor Codes that may not be applicable in all states. This page is not intended to provide legal advice. If you have any questions regarding your injury or specific rights under Workers’ Compensation, you need to consult an attorney.
What is Workers’ Compensation Insurance?
Insurance employers purchase to cover workplace injuries.
What should you do if you are injured while at work?
First, you should notify your employer, and request that the compensation insurance carrier be notified.
Ask your employer to refer you to a doctor. The employer can “control” your medical treatment for the first 30 days. This means that your employer can determine what doctor you will treat with. After this time has run you have the right to change doctors.
At the first appointment, tell the doctor exactly how the injury happened, and all parts of your body that are hurting. Be sure the doctor documents all your complaints. If a complaint is not reported to the insurance carrier, it could impact your ability to recover benefits later on. More here @ https://no1-lawyer.com/
Make sure you keep your doctor’s appointments. Failure to do so could affect your right to collect benefits. Also, keep your employer and the representative from the insurance company updated on your treatment. Doctors do not always give prompt updates. You do not want to risk having your benefits suspended.
Are you covered under Workers’ Compensation when you are away from your employer’s location when the injury takes place?
Depending on the facts surrounding the injury, you may or may not be covered under Workers’ Compensation. For instance, if you are injured while traveling for your employer, you are most likely covered, whereas if you are injured while on a break, you are most likely not covered. If you are not sure, you need to consult with an attorney.
What if you re-injure a part of your body?
If you are injured on the job you have the right to collect benefits. A preexisting condition will not affect your rights to obtain medical treatment or disability payments. It may affect your right to permanent disability and retraining.
What if you or a co-worker caused the injury?
Workers’ Compensation is a no-fault system. As long as you are not filing a fraudulent claim, or have not deliberately caused the injury, you are entitled to benefits no matter whose actions caused the injury.
What if the injury was caused by someone you do not work with, or by a product or machine?
If a person you do not work with caused the accident, or the injury was caused by a malfunctioning product or machine, you are still entitled to Workers’ Compensation benefits. In addition, you may have grounds to recover damages from the other party not covered by Workers’ Compensation. You should consult an attorney if you believe someone other than a co-worker caused the accident. Be sure your attorney knows you have received compensation benefits, since under Law you may have to reimburse your employer for the benefits received under Workers’ Compensation. Unlike the Workers’ Compensation, civil lawsuits are fault-based. Depending on the facts surrounding the injury, if you or a co-worker caused the injury, this fact will reduce your potential recovery.
What benefits are you entitled to under Workers’ Compensation?
First, you are entitled to medical care under the Workers’ Compensation. If the doctor determines that you can no longer work your current job you may be entitled to disability payments. At some point, the doctor will write a “permanent and stationary” report and provide a “rating”. You may then be entitled to permanent disability payments. Lastly, if the doctor determines that you can no longer work at your current job, you may be entitled to rehabilitation or training for a new job. Click on this link@ https://www.carabinshaw.com/midland-texas-oil-field-pipeline-accident-attorneys.html
Do you need a lawyer?
This is a decision you need to make depending on your situation. If you are satisfied with the treatment you are receiving by your employer and the doctor, then you may not require counsel. However, if you have any questions or concerns, you should see an attorney. Most lawyers will provide a free consultation. You can decide then whether you require formal representation. Remember that attorney fees under Workers’ Compensation laws are set by statute.
Truckers call them no zone areas
We call them blind spots and trucks have enormous ones. Typically, the larger trucks such as 18 wheeler, semi-trucks and tractor trailers have larger the blind spot. When a car, motorcycle, or pedestrian is within a truck’s blind spot, an accident with serious injury or spinal cord injury may ensue.
Many motorists mistakenly believe that truck drivers have a better view of the road because they sit higher than the driver of a car. In reality, large vehicle drivers have serious blind spots where a car can disappear from view. More information @ https://truckaccidentattorneysa.com/san-antonio-truck-accident-lawyers/
Be aware and cautious—avoid the dreaded no zone areas
A truck is surrounded by blind spots and the most dangerous areas include:
Side no zones
Side no zones are the most well-known and perhaps the most dangerous of all of a truck’s blind spots. Located along either side of the truck, they usually extend from directly behind the cab to the back end of the tractor trailer. To avoid truck accidents in these no-zone areas, make sure that you can see the truck driver’s face in their side mirrors. A good rule of thumb truck accident and spinal injury lawyers have is that if you cannot see the driver in the truck’s rear-view mirror, he or she cannot see you either. Cick here @ https://lawyers-pi.com/truck-accident-lawyers-laredo/
Rear no zone
Since most large trucks are hauling trailers, they cannot use rear-view mirrors to check for vehicles behind them. The blind spot behind 18 wheeler, semi-trucks and tractor trailers can contain entire automobiles and vehicles. When traveling behind a large truck remain back far enough so that the driver can see you in their side mirrors to avoid truck accidents.
Front no zone
Most trucks have an elevated cab and this positions the truck driver in a seat that is much higher than those in other types of vehicles. If a small car is too close to the front of a truck, the driver may look right over them, not seeing them at all causing a car and truck accident.
Contact Spinal Injury and Truck Accident Lawyers
If you suffer injuries such as spinal or back injuries and have property damage due to a blind spot truck accident, let the trucking accident attorneys at our Law Office get you the compensation you deserve. Call us today to schedule a consultation.
If you were in a car, truck or motorcycle accident while visiting or driving through Texas, get help from personal injury attorneys who know the area. Car accident victims from other states often call the accident injury attorneys in our firm for assistance with accident investigations and insurance claims the state.
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If you have been injured or if a family member has been in a fatal accident, you need an experienced personal injury attorney with a strong track record of success and a thorough knowledge of the area where the wreck occurred. If you are from another state in the U.S., if you were visiting or simply driving through at the time of the crash, it makes sense to have a lawyer and a law firm from Texas.
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