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Motorcycle Accidents – Personal Injury Lawyers

One of our firm’s partners has motorcycle riding experience dating back to the age of 7. Only an experienced rider can understand the unique risks and dangers that a motorcycle rider faces. If you have recently been involved in a motorcycle accident – regardless of how severe the injuries or damages – our Attorneys are the best resource available to ensure you will receive the compensation you are entitled.

Types of Motorcycle Accidents

The sad simple fact is that automobile drivers do not pay attention or notice motorcycle riders as they do other cars. This evidence is not just in observation in riding motorcycles, but by the fact that the number one cause of motorcycle accidents is a left-turning car turning in front of a motorcyclist who has the right of way. Still, motorcycle accidents can be caused by any number of factors including defects in product design and manufacturing, drunk drivers, and defects in roadway signage and construction. More about McAllen Motorcycle Accident Lawyer here
Motorcycle accidents occur on a daily basis. Rarely does the driver of the motorcycle walk away without any injuries. Some of the most common types include the following:
Broadside collisions
Defective motorcycles (product liability)
Drunk drivers
Left turn collisions
Out of control motorist
Rear end accidents
Disregarding traffic signs
Texting while driving
Unsafe lane changes

In most motorcycle accident cases the other driver is at fault but these types of cases can be very difficult to prove. That is why you need a qualified motorcycle accident attorney on your side to ensure that you can win your case. More about Our Motorcycle Accident Lawyer here

Motorcycle Accident Lawyers – What They Need to Know

When you are selecting your motorcycle accident lawyer, it is very important that they have a strong understanding of motorcycles and their riders. One of the biggest issues when it comes to motorcycle accidents is the property damage that ensues.
As motorcycle riders have far less protection than fully-enclosed trucks and automobiles, motorcycle riders are much more vulnerable to severe injuries. Medical treatment is expensive and it can also take months or even years to fully recover from a motorcycle accident. Our Attorneys are passionate in ensuring that motorcycle riders who have suffered personal injuries receive the care and compensation they deserve, and that negligent automobile drivers are held accountable.

Your Qualified Traffic Accident Attorney

We never forget the rights of our clients and we will not stop fighting until you receive the justice that you deserve for your pain and suffering . We know that this is not an easy process for anyone who experiences this type of situation but we are committed to doing everything in our power to make the legal process as painless as possible. If you or a loved one is in need of a skilled motorcycle accident attorney, please contact us now for a free consultation. For more information regarding personal injuries be sure to visit our FAQ page and blog.

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